Process Mining

AI Learning To Reconstruct How Your Business Processes Actually Perform

Process Mining uses AI and machine learning to extract existing data from an organisation’s IT systems to visually reconstruct how processes actually perform.

The data shows what is actually happening and creates a complete process map, capturing the “core” process flow and every variant to the core process flow. It identifies areas of inefficiencies, non-compliance and process improvement opportunities.

Process Mining

How Can Process Mining Be Used?

  • Automate the walkthrough process and replace interviews with advanced analytics and review process based on 100% populations. 
  • Data tells us what is actually happening, we can automatically identify process variants and complexities, identifying areas that do not comply with intended process design. 
  • Support risk assessment activities by identifying “hot spot” areas and driving the associated business focus
  • Make findings more impactful by quantifying the impact of non-conformance and benefits of adherence to consistent process.
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Process Mining

Learn More About Process Mining

Webinar: Delivering Data-Driven Controls With Confidence

Like nearly every other profession in the business world, internal audit and other controls & assurance functions have been forced to cope with the extraordinary environment brought about by COVID-19. Skills, methods and tools that have been advanced and adopting gradually over the past several years suddenly became critical for successful performance. One key area of learning from the pandemic is the importance of making the best possible use of data and digital tools.

So, imagine if you could use your transactional data to reveal how processes are actually working and automatically identify instances of deviation from desired processes, control failure, control design deficiency or operational ineffectiveness. 

Following this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Explain how process mining helps identify not just “what” went wrong but “to what extent” and “why”
  • Understand the value of delivering data-driven improvements to the control assessment process
  • Describe how analytic tests are not only applicable to limited to control compliance assessment but can also be designed to focus on process efficiency
  • Have an appreciation for what is possible when it comes to analytics and continuous monitoring of transactional data. 

Watch On-Demand Webinar

Harnessing the power of process mining to accelerate operational improvements

Protiviti’s process mining solutions take the guesswork out of business process analysis. Using advanced process mining techniques that leverage artificial intelligence capabilities, Protiviti can analyse digital footprints in a company’s information systems to uncover the real process, find irregularities in process flows, and identify inefficiencies and unquantified costs, leading to revenue growth, improved efficiency, and greater competitive advantage for your organisation. The system-agnostic design of process mining means it can be used across all industries and for a wide breadth of processes and use cases.

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Webinar: Applying Digital Tools and Analytics

With supply chain disruptions, financial struggles and liquidity concerns arising across all industries due to the ever-changing business environment, the value of accurate and continuous insights regarding operations and financial performance are only more apparent. Leveraging digital tools to provide real-time analysis of business processes, greater transparency of performance and monitoring can help leaders make well-informed decisions quickly to address the now and speed up for success.

At the end of this webinar with Protiviti and Celonis you will be able to:

  • Discuss key supply chain strategies and tactics to manage short term challenges
  • Explain types of supply chain and working capital analyses
  • Discover how process mining can help companies use their data to make decisions, prioritize actions and drive value

Watch This Webinar


Hellen Thomas
Hellen is a managing director leading the internal audit and financial advisory services for Protiviti Australia nationally. Hellen has extensive experience leading professional risk and assurance services to various clients, including government, financial services, ...
Ghislaine is a managing director and leader in technology consulting and business performance improvement. She has over 20 years of applied experience across strategy, transformation, and delivery, guiding CIOs, CFOs, CDOs and CISOs in transformational initiatives that ...
Shane Silva
Shane is an accomplished managing director based in Sydney, leading the data governance and technology assurance practices. With a career spanning more than 16 years in the professional services industry, Shane is recognised for his exceptional expertise and proficiency ...