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  • Blogs

    July 6, 2022
    Digital transformation in finance has been on the docket for years. So, why do organisations still struggle? The status quo is filled with manual, spreadsheet-driven workflows and fractured application ecosystems that may have been caused by failed attempts at digital transformation — and significant investments alone will not guarantee success. These issues have led to reduced data integrity…
  • Podcast Transcript

    September 9, 2022
    Quantum volume. Algorithmic qubits. Qubit counts in general. What do they really tell us about the usability and power of a quantum computer? As we learned from classical computing, only benchmark software can really compare how systems perform different tasks. is back to discuss their SupermarQ benchmark suite that gives us real performance data for quantum hardware. Guest Speakers: …
  • Blogs

    July 4, 2022
    Among the business topics that have dominated the press over the past two years, supply chain difficulties and labor shortages have certainly been at the top. But the two are not mutually exclusive. organisations across all industries are having a hard time finding employees to keep their supply chains operating as efficiently and smoothly as possible; goals that have been made more difficult…
  • Blogs

    April 1, 2022
    As digital transformation accelerates, companies confront a pressing question: Does the balance we strike between speed and control align with our strategy? CFOs are key stakeholders in that ongoing determination, and more finance leaders are assuming stewardship of these deliberations. This emerging responsibility involves assessing and managing the impacts to internal controls that arise from…
  • Client Story

    June 30, 2023
    A $1 billion educational services holding company that operates in the U.S., Australia and New Zealand needed to transform its finance operations. The organisation, which operates numerous higher-education institutions and provides a workplace educational benefits administration solution, enrolled more than 100,000 students in its universities and served 50,000 workplace learners in 2021, growing…
  • Survey

    May 9, 2023
    Organisations today spend an average of 30% of their IT budgets and invest a fifth of their IT human resources on technical debt management. This research, based on a global survey of more than 1,000 CIOs, CTOs and other technology leaders, underscores the burden created by technical debt and likely is an eye-opener for the CFO.[1] As organisations strive to increase their focus, and time and…
  • Client Story

    May 12, 2023
    A regional bank envisioned growing into a national financial institution – and put customer satisfaction at the heart of their growth strategy. Their customer-centric philosophy would demand deep transformation in all aspects of operations. Optimising processes and investing in new technology would enable scalable, high-touch services and result in increased operational efficiency and winning…
  • Podcast

    July 20, 2023
    VISION by Protiviti interviews Dr. Ian Oppermann, the New South Wales Government’s Chief Data Scientist working within the Department of Customer Service and expert on the future impact of technology on society, about how we’ll use the metaverse in the future. Dr. Oppermann is also an Industry Professor at the University of Technology Sydney and served as CEO of the New South Wales Data Analytics…
  • Podcast Transcript

    July 20, 2023
    VISION by Protiviti interviews Dr. Ian Oppermann, the New South Wales Government’s Chief Data Scientist working within the Department of Customer Service and expert on the future impact of technology on society, about how we’ll use the metaverse in the future. Dr. Oppermann is also an Industry Professor at the University of Technology Sydney and served as CEO of the New South Wales Data Analytics…
  • Blogs

    October 27, 2023
    The future of banking — and banking regulation — is digital and AI-driven.Risks will increase, especially around crypto, fraud and bias in machine-made decisions.Upskilling of compliance officers and risk professionals is needed to function in this evolving environment and manage new risks.