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  • Whitepaper

    October 10, 2022
    Directors are seeing a significant shift in the priorities discussed in the boardroom. Since the dawn of the 21st century, boards have seen it all — the emergence of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the 2008 global financial crisis, expanded proxy disclosure mandates in 2009, digital disruption of business models amid the threat of “born digital” market entrants, and, of course, the COVID-19…
  • Survey

    October 2, 2022
    Key Findings From the Latest Survey Conducted by Protiviti and AHIA on Healthcare Provider Organisation Internal Audit Plan Priorities As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wind down, many healthcare provider organisations are transitioning into a blocking-and-tackling mode, although it’s far from business as usual. Relieved of the constant pivoting that the public health emergency has demanded…
  • Newsletter

    October 6, 2022
    We are approaching the last quarter of a challenging 2022, and as many of us dive into our strategy and business planning for 2023, the coming year looks to be more of the same. Inflationary trends, supply chain challenges, access to talent and skills, security and privacy issues, and working capital management are among the many challenges that private equity firms and their portfolio companies…
  • Whitepaper

    November 24, 2022
    Why technology companies should care about the EU’s Digital Services Act A new and dramatic approach to regulating big technology firms is coming into force across the European Union. The Digital Services Act (DSA), which the European Council signed into law on September 15, 2022, aims to protect the digital space against the spread of illegal content, particularly on social networks, content…
  • Podcast

    November 30, 2022
    We’re getting close to practical advantage with quantum computing when running optimisation algorithms. Companies interested in being leaders in their industry should already be considering how to harness this promised power with use cases that solve their business problems. But some companies want a better solution that’s advantageous today, even if it’s only quantum-inspired. Join host…
  • Whitepaper

    September 19, 2022
    Plan for the Unexpected. Build Resiliency. Instill your organisation with the advantage to endure company disruptions and consistently meet business goals with reduced financial, operational, cybersecurity, and efficiency losses. Assess your areas of risk and develop, enhance, as well as maintain plans to enable resilience, regardless of the circumstance.  Flashing back to 2020, the world was…
  • Newsletter

    June 6, 2022
    A year ago, an issue of Board Perspectives focused on why the board should care about quantum computing — what it is, when it will become a reality and what steps companies should take to stay on top of this evolving technology market. Since then, use cases for quantum computing continue to emerge. One of the most misleading phrases found in articles about quantum computing is something like, “…
  • Survey

    August 8, 2022
    Supply chain risk is the dominant issue for the Manufacturing and Distribution industry group in 2022 and 2031 – but there’s more Massive disruptions in the global supply chain. Challenges in attracting and retaining talent to address needs all across the enterprise. COVID-19 variants. Cyber attacks and ransomware. Wildfires and flooding. Geopolitical tensions in specific regions and shifts on…
  • Newsletter

    May 16, 2022
    A recent Protiviti global survey indicates varying views across different executive groups about the overall risk environment. CEOs rate the relative riskiness of the business environment higher for 2022 than anyone else, jumping from the lowest rating in 2021 to the highest rating in 2022. Also, the number of risks that CEOs noted would have a “significant impact on their business” increased…
  • Podcast

    September 28, 2022
    With the dominance of ESG as a key agenda item in the boardroom and C-suite, it’s no surprise that one especially noteworthy topic is sustainable finance – ensuring that investments in products and services are aligned with ESG and sustainability standards. This certainly is a key area of focus in financial services. In this podcast, Protiviti’s Paul Middleton interviews Ana Carolina Oliveira,…