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  • Newsletter

    May 19, 2020
    This issue of The Bulletin is the second of our two-part discussion of the challenge in finding equilibrium in these uncertain times. In Part 1, we discussed the attributes and actions needed to find equilibrium in the likely phased transition from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) lockdown.[1] Given that a period of ongoing change will follow the lockdown, equilibrium means achieving the…
  • Whitepaper

    July 13, 2023
    In today’s complex healthcare environment, hospitals and health systems and other provider organizations have little room for error within the revenue cycle. Faced with tight margins, growing labor and supply costs, and volatile markets, every dollar counts. Revenue integrity ensures all patient encounters are accurately converted into revenue in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
  • Newsletter

    May 16, 2022
    A recent Protiviti global survey indicates varying views across different executive groups about the overall risk environment. CEOs rate the relative riskiness of the business environment higher for 2022 than anyone else, jumping from the lowest rating in 2021 to the highest rating in 2022. Also, the number of risks that CEOs noted would have a “significant impact on their business” increased…
  • Newsletter

    August 15, 2022
    The 2020s are well on their way to earning the ominous label of a troubling, disruptive decade, but there remain viable opportunities amid the challenges. What is the board’s role in preparing the organisation for “show-stopping” and potentially existential risks? The Story: A global board survey conducted by McKinsey of approximately 1,500 corporate directors found that directors “are not…
  • Newsletter

    December 9, 2022
    As in prior years, our suggested 2023 audit committee agenda includes important enterprise, process and technology issues and financial reporting and disclosure issues. In addition to discussing these agenda items, we have offered questions for audit committees to consider when self-assessing their own performance with respect to executing the normal ongoing activities articulated in the…
  • Newsletter

    December 15, 2022
    Globale Untersuchungen zeigen, dass sich Unternehmen in Nordamerika weniger für Umwelt, Soziales und Governance (ESG) engagieren als Unternehmen in Europa und im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum. Welche Schritte sollten Vorstände unternehmen, um ihr ESG-Engagement zu verbessern?
  • Newsletter

    March 9, 2023
    Das beispiellose Tempo von Innovationen auf dem Markt und die widersprüchlichen Anforderungen zahlreicher Interessengruppen setzen den CEO unter besonderen Druck. Inwiefern tragen die Vorstandsmitglieder zur Leistung und Funktionsfähigkeit des CEO bei?
  • Newsletter

    April 17, 2020
    The global COVID-19 pandemic is a different experience from other catastrophic events like the September 11, 2001 attacks and the 2007-2008 global financial crisis. It is spawning new thinking in all quarters, especially in boardrooms. It’s been several weeks since coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) truly captured everyone’s attention across the globe. But with new developments almost hourly,…
  • Newsletter

    April 17, 2020
    The discussion below is a more complete coverage, including examples, of the topic addressed in Issue 127 of Board Perspectives: Risk Oversight and on NACD/BoardTalk. The global COVID-19 pandemic is a different experience from other catastrophic events like the September 11, 2001 attacks and the 2007-2008 global financial crisis. It is spawning new thinking in all quarters, especially in…
  • Newsletter

    November 8, 2023
    In these disruptive times, how should boards discharge their duty of care and duty of oversight with respect to risk when the models to follow aren’t clear? Is the board’s risk oversight process fit for purpose in today’s dynamic environment?Board engagement with risk and how it is managed has been a topic of interest for many years. While risk has always been present in every business, the…