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  • Whitepaper

    May 28, 2018
    L’accélération du rythme des règlementations et des programmes de conformité a mis en lumière l’élargissement du concept d’entreprise au-delà de ses murs. Que ce soit d’un point de vue corruption (loi « Sapin 2 » du 9 décembre 2016), devoir de vigilance (loi du 27 mars 2017) ou bien RGPD (règlement européen en vigueur à partir du 25 mai 2018), ces règlementations imposent avec plus ou moins de…
  • Whitepaper

    October 10, 2017
    En route vers la conformité ! Le parlement européen a adopté le Règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD) de l’Union (UE) le 14 avril 2016, au terme de quatre années de négociations. La nouvelle législation remplace l’initiative sur la protection des données de l’UE entrée en vigueur en 1995 et en élargit la portée. Le RGPD s’applique à toutes les organisations qui traitent,…
  • Whitepaper

    May 11, 2022
    20 années de contrôle interne, et maintenant ?En mai 2022, notre cabinet fête son 20ème anniversaire. Positionné depuis cette date en tant que premier cabinet international indépendant sur les sujets d’audit interne, de gestion des risques, de conformité et de contrôle interne, nous avons eu l’opportunité d’accompagner nos clients de toute taille (CAC 40 ou ETI en croissance) dans la mise en…
  • Whitepaper

    October 18, 2021
    Expectations are that the financial services industry will experience a more challenging regulatory environment under the Biden administration than under the former administration[1]. Those who have been tapped to lead the various regulatory agencies – and even those thought to be in contention for key agency roles – have signaled their supervisory priorities, many of which align with key Biden…
  • Whitepaper

    September 16, 2020
    Executive Summary The financial services industry has long relied on internal audit functions to assess and challenge the effectiveness of various programmes designed to protect and build organisational value. These programmes have included disaster recovery, business continuity, risk management, cybersecurity, and many others designed to help institutions recover from an event. The pressure…
  • Whitepaper

    September 21, 2020
    The actions and decisions of C-suite leaders are typically driven by strategies designed to guide businesses toward growth and success. These plans invariably contain many assumptions. One is the expectation that their organisations will be able to deliver goods and services to customers even under stressful conditions – an expectation of resilience that is sometimes ill-conceived and unsupported.
  • Podcast

    April 1, 2020
    This is the latest in our series of podcasts on GRC programmes and technologies in which we’re obtaining perspectives from Protiviti leaders and subject-matter experts around the world on GRC drivers, innovations and challenges in their markets. This episode features conversation with Shubhendu Mukherjee. Shubhendu is a director with our regulatory practice, which is part of our Risk and…
  • Podcast

    April 1, 2020
    This is a series of podcasts on GRC programmes and technologies, obtaining perspectives from Protiviti leaders and subject-matter experts around the world on GRC drivers, innovations and challenges in their markets. This episode features conversation with Owen Strijland, a director with Protiviti’s Technology Consulting practice based in Amsterdam. Owen offers his viewpoints on GRC developments…
  • Podcast

    April 1, 2020
    This is a series of podcasts on GRC programmes and technologies, obtaining perspectives from Protiviti leaders and subject-matter experts around the world on GRC drivers, innovations and challenges in their markets. This episode features conversation with Protiviti Managing Director Enrico Ferretti and Associate Director Luca Risi, both of whom are with our firm’s Technology Consulting practice…
  • Podcast

    March 31, 2020
    This is a series of podcasts on GRC programmes and technologies, obtaining perspectives from Protiviti leaders and subject-matter experts around the world on GRC drivers, innovations and challenges in their markets. This episode features conversation with Protiviti Managing Director Scott Bolderson and Associate Director Nicolas Perna. Scott is a leader within our business performance…