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  • Whitepaper

    September 20, 2020
    In early August 2020, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) released a consultative document, titled “Principles for Operational Resilience,” that proposed a pragmatic yet flexible approach to operational resilience, one intended to be principles-based. Publication of the consultative document was expected and timely, coming amid a growing regulatory focus on operational risks and the…
  • Podcast

    April 1, 2020
    This is the latest in our series of podcasts on GRC programmes and technologies in which we’re obtaining perspectives from Protiviti leaders and subject-matter experts around the world on GRC drivers, innovations and challenges in their markets. This episode features conversation with Shubhendu Mukherjee. Shubhendu is a director with our regulatory practice, which is part of our Risk and…
  • Flash Report

    December 30, 2020
    As the old saying goes, the best deals are made when neither side gets exactly what it wants. By that standard, the most recent federal pandemic relief bill that finally passed into law in late December certainly qualifies as a great deal. Democrats who for months had been seeking a bill in excess of $3 trillion were undoubtedly disappointed by the final price tag of slightly more than $900…
  • Newsletter

    July 29, 2020
    In your monthly compliance news roundup, you will read about: Implications of Class Action Suit Alleging Misleading Autopay Options Recapping Regulatory Responses to COVID-19 DOJ Updates Guidance on Evaluating Corporate Compliance Programmes Regulators Aim to Provide Financial Institutions Clear Guidance and Improve Compliance
  • Whitepaper

    September 21, 2020
    The actions and decisions of C-suite leaders are typically driven by strategies designed to guide businesses toward growth and success. These plans invariably contain many assumptions. One is the expectation that their organisations will be able to deliver goods and services to customers even under stressful conditions – an expectation of resilience that is sometimes ill-conceived and unsupported.
  • Whitepaper

    August 1, 2022
    U.S. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco has called sanctions “the new FCPA.” [1] The EU has issued a proposal that would make sanctions evasion an EU crime [2] . The U.K.’s Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) is under pressure from key global partners to step up its enforcement activity [3]. These developments are just a few of the signs that the national security considerations…
  • Survey

    October 24, 2023
    Explore Protiviti’s 2023 global finance trends survey with expert opinions, financial forecasts, and financial risk assessments. Download the full report.
  • Newsletter

    June 25, 2020
    Conformité & Sécurité Financière Remédiation KYC & Name screening : Il est temps d’adopter l’Intelligence Artificielle et le Machine Learning Selon les résultats de notre dernière étude menée conjointement avec l’International RegTech Association « An urgent call for KYC Optimization », le recours à l’Intelligence Artificielle et au « Machine Learning » (IA / ML) permet d’améliorer l’…
  • Flash Report

    October 4, 2019
    L’autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR) a publié ce 2 octobre un document d’analyse transversale concernant le pilotage consolidé du dispositif de lutte contre le blanchiment des capitaux et le financement du terrorisme (ci-après LCB-FT) des groupes bancaires et assurantiels. Ce document est une synthèse des actions de contrôles ciblés effectuées entre 2016 et 2018 auprès de…
  • Flash Report

    October 7, 2019
    Le conseil d’orientation de la lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux et le financement du terrorisme (COLB) a publié le 20 septembre son analyse nationale des risques (ANR) de blanchiment des capitaux et de financement du terrorisme (BC-FT) en France. Les principaux risques qui ressortent de ce rapport sont : Pour le blanchiment des capitaux : Les fraudes fiscales, sociales et douanières ;…