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  • Survey

    December 12, 2023
    TMT executives were asked to identify the biggest threats they anticipate over the next 12 months and a decade ahead. Many of the risks cited correlate in many ways and can be categorised under two broad themes: foundational risks, which are essentially challenges that leaders must address to keep their business thriving, and risks that are essential for continued growth and expansion.
  • Whitepaper

    October 13, 2021
    Corporate finance teams in technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) are embracing new operating models, strategies and technologies in response to the escalated business risk and regulatory environment, as well as shifting expectations of both internal and external customers. Across the industry, teams continue to increase their focus on top priorities identified at the height of the…
  • Survey

    November 21, 2023
    TMT finance leaders cite ESG, inflation and data security among top priorities“The more things change, the more they remain the same” aptly describes the current dynamic for finance leaders across the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) industry group.Inflation, supply chain challenges, consumer demand for sustainable and inclusive practices and reporting, new technologies,…
  • Podcast

    November 9, 2023
    As of August 25, 2023, large technology companies providing hosting services, online platforms and search engines, are required to put processes in place to be notified of illegal content and to act on notifications under the European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA). Tech firms that do not meet a 45-million-user threshold have to comply with many of the DSA’s provisions beginning February 2024…
  • Whitepaper

    March 28, 2019
    A l’issue de son enquête annuelle sur l’audit interne « Pulse of Internal Audit 2018», l’IIA a conclu que l’audit interne, tel que pratiqué actuellement, ne répondait pas efficacement aux nouvelles exigences engendrées par les turbulences et les rapides transformations qui caractérisent son environnement, et n’est pas en mesure de satisfaire les exigences des parties prenantes.
  • Blogs

    December 7, 2023
    This blog post was authored by Karter Klumpyan and Laura Moore, Director Risk and Compliance on The Protiviti View.The big picture: A two-step indicator-based approach proposed by EU supervisory authorities will be used to assess ICT services providers to determine whether they should be designated as critical and subjected to oversight under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA).Why it…
  • Whitepaper

    December 2, 2021
    First there were layaways. Conjured during the Great Depression when people were struggling to make ends meet, layaways allowed people to buy big-ticket items and pay in installments before walking away with their product. Layaways were especially popular around the holidays when many people reserved all their gifts in advance and started saving for them through a layaway programme. Then came the…
  • Flash Report

    July 17, 2020
    July 17, 2020 On Thursday, July 16, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) implemented a landmark ruling in case C-311/18 - Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland and Maximillian Schrems (more commonly referred to as “Schrems II”). While it concluded that Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) issued by the European Commission for the transfer of personal data to data processors…
  • Whitepaper

    September 22, 2022
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful technology that’s driving innovation, boosting performance, and improving decision-making and risk management across enterprises. It’s also turning data into the key driver of competitive advantage. Over the next two years, organisations across all industries plan to deploy or increase their use of artificial intelligence, according to a recent global…
  • Newsletter

    April 24, 2018
    Le renforcement des nouvelles obligations règlementaires françaises et européennes (Loi Sapin 2, Devoir de vigilance, RGPD) impulse une nouvelle dynamique au sein des Directions Conformité. Cette dynamique, conjuguée au projet de loi relatif à la violation des embargos (texte n°349 transmis au Sénat le 28/01/2016) et à la pression des institutions financières en la matière, offre une occasion…