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  • Whitepaper

    November 21, 2022
    We are in unusual economic times. While making predictions may be a fool’s errand, the aggressive posturing among central banks to fight runaway inflation implies that we will soon be — if not already are — in the late stage of the economic cycle. However, considering the past several months of mixed economic data, the outcome of the downturn and the developments that drive it are likely to look…
  • Whitepaper

    November 24, 2022
    Why technology companies should care about the EU’s Digital Services Act A new and dramatic approach to regulating big technology firms is coming into force across the European Union. The Digital Services Act (DSA), which the European Council signed into law on September 15, 2022, aims to protect the digital space against the spread of illegal content, particularly on social networks, content…
  • Whitepaper

    December 11, 2022
    Governments around the globe have engaged increasingly in offensive economic-sanction tactics in response to geopolitical conflicts, social injustice and violations of basic human rights. For fear of not being able to exit positions, leery market participants and investors have been swift to react. The economic ramifications of sanctions extend beyond the borders of the sovereign nations upon…
  • Video

    September 7, 2020
    A line-up of eminent panelists in operational resilience discussed how organisations have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and what it means for their operational resilience planning going forward, including the potential impact on critical third party vendors.
  • Whitepaper

    February 24, 2021
    President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968 signed the Federal Truth in Lending Act (TILA) to provide greater transparency regarding credit terms and fees. While greatly assisting consumers in comparison loan shopping, the regulation excluded business loans, as business owners were generally considered financially savvier than an average consumer and did not need protection. Fast-forward to December 23,…
  • Whitepaper

    August 20, 2021
    It’s been fewer than two decades since the term ESG, or Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance, was coined in a landmark report commissioned by the United Nations. ESG has become a hot topic for politicians and regulators, as events like natural disasters and protests on racial and social inequity have led to public calls to action for fundamental changes to the way society interacts with…
  • Survey

    March 27, 2023
    Beginning in 2020, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and several states provided temporary relief from the operational challenges of conducting on-site branch inspections during the pandemic, allowing firms to utilise technology to fulfill their inspection obligations remotely. Now, FINRA has proposed a voluntary, three-year remote…
  • Infographic

    May 2, 2023
    Talent sourcing and technology skilling headline concerns among insurance industry executives and boards in the face of rising labor costs and an increasingly competitive landscape. Strategic priorities include upskilling and reskilling employees as the need to acquire talent that can support digital transformation becomes more critical.
  • Whitepaper

    May 1, 2023
    On April 28, four reports were issued on the failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. These reports signal the next stage of what is likely to be a lengthy examination of the issues surrounding these failures and the actions that should be taken to prevent such events in the future.
  • Whitepaper

    February 5, 2021
    As we continue to face an unpredictable pattern of emergencies stemming from natural, human and technological events, the COVID-19 pandemic — for however long it may be with us — will likely continue even as other emergencies (such as hurricanes, wildfires, floods and flu season) arise, which complicates healthcare organisations’ plans for every potential event. Healthcare leaders are seeking a…