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  • Podcast Transcript

    May 15, 2023
    Quantum computing has been surrounded by hype from the beginning. While these machines may exceed our most ambitious imaginings in the future, investing in them today brings some challenges to venture capitalists. How do VCs vet companies in the field, and how does the so-called Quantum Winter affect all this? Join Host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat with Bill Liao about investing in quantum…
  • Blogs

    May 15, 2023
    In Brief  Let’s start at the beginning: Protiviti defines the metaverse as “an immersive, collaborative virtual world that exists as physical and virtual objects converge.” Some forecasts have put the metaverse’s overall global economic impact as high as $15 trillion by 2030. Hyperbole, hype and hope? Maybe, but there’s some smart people and significant brands betting on its success. Business…
  • Podcast

    November 22, 2023
    In the VISION by Protiviti podcast, Susan Yang, General Manager, International Payments and Network Management at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, sits down with a pair of Protiviti payments experts to discuss how she and her team are leading the ISO 20022 program and the digital international money transfer (IMT) strategy execution for CBA. 
  • Podcast Transcript

    November 22, 2023
    In the VISION by Protiviti podcast, Susan Yang, General Manager, International Payments and Network Management at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, sits down with a pair of Protiviti payments experts to discuss how she and her team are leading the ISO 20022 program and the digital international money transfer (IMT) strategy execution for CBA. 
  • Podcast

    November 29, 2023
    We’ve done plenty of episodes where there is a piece of software or cloud platform users can try, usually for the purposes of making coding or algorithmic development easier. Coding naturally seems to be the quickest way to get involved in quantum computing, but we’ve never discussed actually building quantum hardware at home! Find out how to start learning the engineering side of quantum…
  • Podcast Transcript

    November 14, 2023
    Quantum computing faces several scaling issues to achieve fault-tolerant systems that can solve practical business problems. We need high-fidelity interconnect to have modules or even full quantum computers work as one powerful system. And qubits could stand to run a little hotter as refrigeration gets out of hand as we add more of the sensitive little entities. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis…
  • Podcast

    December 13, 2023
    The 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots. Physics is also interested in these little marvels, and they may have a big impact in quantum computing. We need many more qubits of high-quality to tackle complex business problems and use cases. How will silicon-based quantum processing units (QPUs) boost scalability for increased performance into the…
  • Podcast Transcript

    November 28, 2023
    We’ve done plenty of episodes where there is a piece of software or cloud platform users can try, usually for the purposes of making coding or algorithmic development easier. Coding naturally seems to be the quickest way to get involved in quantum computing, but we’ve never discussed actually building quantum hardware at home! Find out how to start learning the engineering side of quantum…
  • Podcast

    January 10, 2024
    2024 will be a milestone year for post-quantum cryptography, with NIST getting ready to release its new standards. We can expect proof-of-concept business use cases for quantum computing to become more common as machine fidelity and performance continue to improve. What should boards consider regarding PQC and other aspects of the quantum industry this year? Join Host Konstantinos Karagiannis for…
  • Podcast

    July 12, 2023
    AI is disrupting almost every industry right now, so it’s not surprising that machine learning techniques are being used to improve quantum computers and accelerate the coming of fault-tolerant systems. Applications may have an advantageous business impact sooner than we thought. Join Protiviti’s Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat with Michael Hush from Q-CTRL and learn how they’re squeezing a…