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  • Newsletter

    March 11, 2021
    Our global survey of C-level executives and directors on macroeconomic, strategic and operational risks highlights their views regarding a disruptive risk landscape over the next decade through 2030.[1] Our global survey captures insights from 1,081 C-level executives and directors across multiple industries, with broad geographic representation. As with our prior surveys, the results captured…
  • Newsletter

    October 15, 2020
    Environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting has come into its own as a discipline, with most public companies now issuing sustainability reports. What’s the board’s role in ensuring these reports are responsive to investors’ needs?
  • Whitepaper

    March 4, 2021
    Pandemic-related policies and regulation, market conditions are top concerns in the healthcare industry The continuing global challenges and potential existential threat posed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Political divisiveness and polarisation. Social and economic unrest. Gridlock. Artificial intelligence (AI), automation and other rapidly developing digital technologies. Rapid shift to…
  • Newsletter

    July 13, 2022
    With the economic outlook constantly shifting as if it were a moving target, directors need to embrace change and set a tone of focus and confidence when looking to the future. It all starts with asking the right questions. Growth across the global economy is slowing. With the growth rate projected to shrink in 2022 and 2023 by half of what it was in 2021, business conditions have likewise…
  • Newsletter

    August 14, 2020
    A year ago, the Business Roundtable (BRT) released its “Purpose of a Corporation” [1] statement expressing a “fundamental commitment” to deliver value to all company stakeholders. Today, as the economy emerges from a terrible pandemic, does this statement matter to directors? The BRT’s statement in which 181 chief executives of prominent American companies committed to deliver value to their…
  • Newsletter

    April 13, 2023
    As a term in business, “agile” is typically used to refer to a project management methodology, especially for software development. But there is a different, more strategic connotation of agility that merits close attention by boards as markets evolve.
  • Newsletter

    May 11, 2023
    The increasing complexity of the legal and regulatory landscape is challenging the board’s fiduciary duties. Emerging trends ushering in a call for fairness and transparency should be of paramount importance to directors. Boardroom agendas cover an array of topics but no matter the issue, there are important underpinnings to board oversight and governance.
  • Newsletter

    January 10, 2024
    Conducted in partnership with the NC State ERM Initiative, our global survey of C-level executives and directors highlights the influence of economic headwinds, talent issues, emerging technologies, cyber threats and geopolitical events on the 2024 risk landscape. This issue of Board Perspectives discusses the 10 highest-rated risk themes noted in the survey to provide a context for understanding…
  • Newsletter

    June 7, 2023
    The big picture: Innovative culture, speed to market, customer focus and organisational agility are mainstays in boardroom conversations about innovation. However, these discussions should also address technological roadblocks to realising innovation initiatives.
  • Flash Report

    August 2, 2021
    “Misinformation” and “disinformation” have long been mainstays in the political arena, the climate change debate and even in the public discourse over COVID-19 vaccines. Misinformation represents information that is wrong, a challenge every business must deal with from time to time, whether in the press, analyst communications, social media, discussions at government levels, or other venues.…