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  • Newsletter

    November 14, 2021
    In the third decade of the 21st century, smart companies and boards across all industries recognise that the pace of technological change continues to unfold at warp speed. The question in the boardroom a decade ago — “Should we invest in digital transformation?” — has transitioned to a different question today: “How much should we invest and, more important, how fast should we invest, given our…
  • Flash Report

    May 18, 2020
    Introduction On May 8, 2020, the Agencies[1] released a final version of the Interagency Guidance on Credit Risk Review Systems. This final guidance applies to all institutions supervised by the Agencies and supersedes regulatory expectations for credit risk review systems documented in Attachment 1 - Loan Review Systems – of the 2006 Interagency Policy Statement on the Allowance for Loan and…
  • Whitepaper

    October 18, 2021
    Expectations are that the financial services industry will experience a more challenging regulatory environment under the Biden administration than under the former administration[1]. Those who have been tapped to lead the various regulatory agencies – and even those thought to be in contention for key agency roles – have signaled their supervisory priorities, many of which align with key Biden…
  • Newsletter

    May 28, 2020
    Your monthly compliance news roundup BSA/AML Examination Manual Updates from FFIEC On April 15, 2020, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) released updates to the Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) examination manual. The manual is used to evaluate an institution’s compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering requirements. This is the…
  • Newsletter

    August 30, 2022
    Your monthly compliance news roundup FinCEN: BSA Reporting Obligations Remain Crucial During COVID-19 as Fraud Trends Rise The first case of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States was confirmed on January 20, 2020, two months after the first known cases are believed to have originated in China. While the world turned its attention to the virus and finding effective treatment, a…
  • Whitepaper

    May 11, 2020
    Like all major employers, insurance companies are dealing with operational and workforce disruptions, as millions of their employees – adjusters, actuaries, underwriters, and risk and loss control managers, as well as analysts, as examples – adapt to a remote work environment. The industry’s policyholder surplus, invested funds set aside by insurers to pay claims, is under pressure as asset…
  • Flash Report

    March 26, 2020
    As public filers are preparing to file their first quarter financial statements for the period ending March 31, the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic and the related economic fallout have thrown mounting uncertainty as to what losses to report – and how to estimate them. Before the pandemic hit the market and caused stocks to lose 35% of their value, banks were well on their way preparing to estimate…
  • Newsletter

    March 26, 2020
    Protiviti is committed to remaining the source for insights on the latest news in compliance you’ve come to expect. While the articles in this issue were developed prior to the escalation of events regarding COVID-19, we know they may still be impacting your organisations amid the current circumstances.
  • Whitepaper

    April 21, 2020
    Issued on April 21, 2020 On March 27, 2020, President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, also known as the CARES Act, into law. Among the law’s more significant provisions was the establishment of the Paycheck Protection Programme (PPP), a forgivable lending scheme administered by the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the U.S. Treasury, with loans being…
  • Newsletter

    April 20, 2020
    Your monthly compliance news roundupOCC Reinforces Third-Party Risk Management ExpectationsRegulatory expectations related to third-party relationships have evolved considerably since 2013, when the Federal Reserve Board and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) issued prescriptive guidances SR 13-19 and OCC 2013-29, respectively. To account for this evolution, the OCC published OCC…