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  • Podcast

    July 28, 2023
    ChatGPT is the talk of the town today. But as we all know, generative AI is much more than this one tool. Gen AI represents a new frontier of promise, productivity and capabilities for organisations around the world. But it also comes with risks that these organisations must understand and manage if they’re going to capitalise successfully on these new technologies.In this episode, we talk all…
  • Podcast Transcript

    July 27, 2023
    ChatGPT is the talk of the town today. But as we all know, generative AI is much more than this one tool. Gen AI represents a new frontier of promise, productivity and capabilities for organisations around the world. But it also comes with risks that these organisations must understand and manage if they’re going to capitalise successfully on these new technologies.In this episode, we talk all…
  • Flash Report

    July 31, 2023
    On 26 July 2023, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted amendments1 to its rules on cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance and incident reporting by public companies subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The SEC’s view is that cybersecurity threats and incidents pose an ongoing risk to public companies, investors and market…
  • Whitepaper

    July 10, 2023
    The role of the CIO has changed significantly in recent years. Today, CIOs are key decision-makers in the C-suite and are responsible for driving business strategy. They need to stay on top of new technology trends and use them to develop strategies that keep their businesses competitive. Some of the key areas where CIOs are focusing their attention include: Establishing a single technology…
  • Newsletter

    July 13, 2023
    The big picture: The metaverse has the potential to be a disruptive, expansive and transformative force, even to the point of spawning its own economy. Every board has a fiduciary duty to evaluate that potential for its company’s future. By the numbers: According to a survey of 250 global business leaders, the metaverse has the potential to dramatically alter the future of the human experience…
  • Client Story

    May 19, 2023
    A joint team of quantum computing engineers and financial analysts at this industry leader in digital financial services, led by a forward-thinking CIO, knew they wanted to take advantage of quantum computing to solve unique challenges that could not be handled with classical computing alone.   This company sees value in preparing to be “at the ready” when quantum computing machines become more…
  • Whitepaper

    May 17, 2023
    This paper explores the differences between cash-based and equity-based Long-Term Incentive Plans (LTIPs) and how to choose between them based on various factors. Cash-based LTIPs offer executives a guaranteed cash reward when certain performance targets are met, while equity-based LTIPs offer stock options or restricted stock units (RSUs) that align executives' interests with those of the…
  • Whitepaper

    May 23, 2023
    The Personal Data Protection (PDP) Law of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was implemented on 16 September 2021, supported by Executive Orders, which provide detailed guidelines and standards for companies to achieve compliance with the Law. The document describes the core elements and scope of the PDP Law, its impact on violations and the way forward for companies to comply with the regulations.
  • Whitepaper

    May 22, 2023
    This paper discusses the three categories of hydrogen production. It highlights that energy transition is a process and that green hydrogen is the most viable long-term option for sustainable energy production. Green hydrogen policies need to be created to enable comparison with other energy sources. These should ensure consistency and compatibility with emissions for other commodities and enable…
  • Client Story

    June 30, 2023
    A $1 billion educational services holding company that operates in the U.S., Australia and New Zealand needed to transform its finance operations. The organisation, which operates numerous higher-education institutions and provides a workplace educational benefits administration solution, enrolled more than 100,000 students in its universities and served 50,000 workplace learners in 2021, growing…