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  • Newsletter

    March 23, 2020
    In a crisis, clear thinking is needed in the boardroom. The unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has set in motion one of the most abrupt disruptions in decades, leaving organisations reeling with uncertainty as fear spreads faster than the virus itself. The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis could very well present the ultimate test of resiliency — for leading companies in…
  • Newsletter

    April 17, 2020
    The global COVID-19 pandemic is a different experience from other catastrophic events like the September 11, 2001 attacks and the 2007-2008 global financial crisis. It is spawning new thinking in all quarters, especially in boardrooms. It’s been several weeks since coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) truly captured everyone’s attention across the globe. But with new developments almost hourly,…
  • Newsletter

    April 17, 2020
    The discussion below is a more complete coverage, including examples, of the topic addressed in Issue 127 of Board Perspectives: Risk Oversight and on NACD/BoardTalk. The global COVID-19 pandemic is a different experience from other catastrophic events like the September 11, 2001 attacks and the 2007-2008 global financial crisis. It is spawning new thinking in all quarters, especially in…
  • Newsletter

    September 10, 2020
    Churchill said he strived “to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year — and to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.” His acknowledgment of the futility in predicting the future is especially apropos today as markets transition to the eventual “new normal.” The business model is akin to a finely tuned machine requiring the…
  • Video

    December 22, 2021
    Michael Brauneis, Financial Services Industry Lead and Managing Director, Protiviti, sits down with Joe Seidel, Chief Operating Officer of SIFMA, to explore climate stress testing for banks. Executive Viewpoints is a special series from SIFMA's 2021 Annual Meeting featuring insightful conversations about the trends and innovations shaping our capital markets. Watch them all at
  • Newsletter

    May 16, 2022
    A recent Protiviti global survey indicates varying views across different executive groups about the overall risk environment. CEOs rate the relative riskiness of the business environment higher for 2022 than anyone else, jumping from the lowest rating in 2021 to the highest rating in 2022. Also, the number of risks that CEOs noted would have a “significant impact on their business” increased…
  • Newsletter

    August 15, 2022
    The 2020s are well on their way to earning the ominous label of a troubling, disruptive decade, but there remain viable opportunities amid the challenges. What is the board’s role in preparing the organisation for “show-stopping” and potentially existential risks? The Story: A global board survey conducted by McKinsey of approximately 1,500 corporate directors found that directors “are not…
  • Newsletter

    May 4, 2020
    Dalla “resistenza” alla “risposta”: la nuova fase di lotta al Covid-19 Con l’apertura della Fase 2, le aziende sono chiamate a garantire la salute e la sicurezza dei lavoratori e dei soggetti con i quali entrano in contatto secondo le normative, i protocolli e i DPCM.1 Organizzazione e modalità di lavoro vanno adeguate alla nuova normalità. Sarà, in particolare, necessario adottare: • adeguate…
  • Newsletter

    December 15, 2022
    Global research indicates that companies in North America are less committed to environmental, social and governance (ESG) engagement than those in Europe and Asia-Pacific. What steps should boards seeking to improve their ESG engagement take? 
  • Newsletter

    December 9, 2022
    As in prior years, our suggested 2023 audit committee agenda includes important enterprise, process and technology issues and financial reporting and disclosure issues. In addition to discussing these agenda items, we have offered questions for audit committees to consider when self-assessing their own performance with respect to executing the normal ongoing activities articulated in the…