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  • Podcast Transcript

    July 4, 2022
    Corporate culture, once a rather squishy, hard-to-define concept for organisations, increasingly is a top-of-mind concern for leaders looking to create a desirable workplace for innovation and one where employees who have many choices want to remain long-term. The challenges are especially acute amid the current war for talent and the need to attract and retain the best people. And part of…
  • Whitepaper

    July 11, 2022
    Key takeaways A key theme within the top risks for both 2022 and 2031 is the future of work – the workplace, talent acquisition, retention and succession.  The future of work cannot form by accident – organisations must plan now for the cultures they want. The need for resilience and agility in addressing future of work issues is at an all-time high.
  • Client Story

    September 26, 2022
    A leading Fortune 500 energy company with nine million utility customers sought to divest a long-held subsidiary to another leading energy provider. Solving the complex transition of technology, data and customer service from one provider to another required a comprehensive understanding of both the security environment and the timing of regulatory approvals. Utilising a team of experienced…
  • Whitepaper

    June 3, 2022
    Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) of high-growth technology companies met virtually to share leading practices, discuss and exchange learnings on challenges, industry trends and topics of mutual interest. The agenda for this small-group meeting, conducted under Chatham House Rule, was created through a series of pre-interviews. Comments from participating CFOs are summarised below.
  • Client Story

    February 6, 2023
    In many organisations the procurement function is thought of purely as an administrative function and cost center, but addressing opportunities in this area offers a chance to add significant value to the organisation. Investment and focus on the procurement function can enhance business outcomes, improve the bottom line and help manage risk, especially during periods of rising inflation and…
  • Whitepaper

    January 19, 2023
    Executive SummaryToday, nearly all businesses are investing heavily in performance improvement initiatives. But tracking progress and measuring success effectively continues to be highly challenging. Enterprise Portfolio Management enables organisations to successfully execute strategy by providing a structured approach and incorporating a comprehensive view of the organisation’s entire portfolio…
  • Blogs

    January 31, 2023
    A global survey conducted by University of Oxford and Protiviti in the second quarter of 2022 reveals that business leaders worldwide agree ESG (environmental, social and governance) will be either extremely or somewhat important to their business success over the next decade. Executives were evenly split—50/50—on whether ESG would be “extremely important” or “somewhat important” to their…
  • Client Story

    February 16, 2023
    Rising energy prices and the resulting profitability typically generate a flurry of merger and acquisition activity in the oil and gas sector. The deals frequently target organizations that are independent and entrepreneurial in spirit — companies that have amassed a significant but often underdeveloped asset base and whose processes generally have not kept up with the growth of the company. The…
  • Blogs

    August 9, 2021
    The response to the pandemic from organisations can be classified into multiple phases. In the first phase, business leaders scrambled to equip teams for remote work. Later, ad hoc groups sprang up to devise return-to-office (RTO) plans. Soon after, many recognised they’d have to optimise tools and processes for remote collaboration that would last months longer than they had anticipated. And now…
  • Blogs

    August 5, 2021
    Stakeholders have long believed that effective assessments of a company’s performance and prospects require solid information on workforce costs and productivity, on how employees are hired, developed and managed, and other human capital factors. Agencies, governing bodies and investors have recently exerted pressure on a number of authorities worldwide to ensure more human capital information is…