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  • Blogs

    August 9, 2021
    The response to the pandemic from organisations can be classified into multiple phases. In the first phase, business leaders scrambled to equip teams for remote work. Later, ad hoc groups sprang up to devise return-to-office (RTO) plans. Soon after, many recognised they’d have to optimise tools and processes for remote collaboration that would last months longer than they had anticipated. And now…
  • Blogs

    August 5, 2021
    Stakeholders have long believed that effective assessments of a company’s performance and prospects require solid information on workforce costs and productivity, on how employees are hired, developed and managed, and other human capital factors. Agencies, governing bodies and investors have recently exerted pressure on a number of authorities worldwide to ensure more human capital information is…
  • Blogs

    August 5, 2021
    The COVID-19 pandemic. A new administration in the U.S. with, so far, a markedly different tone than the previous one. The MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting. It would be easy to attribute the emergence of human capital reporting requirement by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to a wave of accountability demands in a world rife…
  • Blogs

    July 16, 2021
    In a culture of abundance, scarcity is often equated with adversity. But abundance can be a burden as well, leaving otherwise healthy companies unprepared to deal with extended periods of lack of resources. The global COVID-19 pandemic provided a wake-up call for many organisations in developed economies as they found themselves scrambling to adapt to resource constraints that are a way of life…
  • Blogs

    May 20, 2021
    One of the most important lessons healthcare companies learned during the COVID-19 pandemic is that they need to implement and maintain better strategies, processes and procedures to enable resiliency and recovery. As they seek to mature their business continuity plans (BCPs)/continuity of operations plans (COOPs), not only to satisfy recently increased regulatory scrutiny by the Centers for…
  • Blogs

    May 13, 2021
    In today’s rapidly evolving business world, the lines between technology and business have blurred. Organisations need to modernise and transform their technology in order to successfully compete. CIOs play a critical role in transforming the world of work using automation and technology – but they can’t do it alone. Collaboration among the C-suite is critical. In this blog series, Protiviti’s…
  • Blogs

    March 4, 2022
    On the three-dimensional chessboard of business, CFOs are expanding their roles in multiple directions at once. Finance leaders now shape and drive corporate strategy in areas ranging from advanced technology investments to organisational design, and from supply chain resilience to organisational culture. Simply stated, they are positioning themselves as players in the strategic dialogue in the C…
  • Blogs

    April 29, 2022
    As corporations are trying to return to some semblance of “normal,” whatever that definition may look like now, and are concurrently dealing with the lingering impacts of a global pandemic and implementing digital transformation, many challenges face the C-suite. Putting people and culture and how to adapt to the significant changes that have taken place in the workforce since 2020 may very well…
  • Blogs

    April 4, 2022
    No matter what they make or sell — computers, pet food, cosmetics, textiles — companies around the world are grappling with significant supply chain issues. It’s easy to blame the global health crisis for these problems, especially the labor, material and shipping container shortages. Certainly, the pandemic has played its part in exposing the global supply chain’s brittleness and exacerbating…
  • Podcast

    May 2, 2022
    ESG reporting is garnering a growing amount of attention today, particularly among board members seeking to understand and possibly comply with specific requirements in their country or their industry. But when it comes to ESG reporting, there are a lot of questions. Who specifically is required to issue these ESG reports? Who is issuing them voluntarily? And more importantly, what do…