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  • Whitepaper

    April 25, 2022
    In the novel Tell the Machine Goodnight, Katie Williams tells the story of Pearl, a technician for Apricity Corporation, which has developed a machine that “uses a sophisticated metric, taking into account factors of which we are not consciously aware,” and with 99.7% accuracy, offers recommendations for what will make people happy. Does this narrative provide a glimpse into our future? Will…
  • Whitepaper

    November 18, 2022
    In this issue of the Credit Pulse, we look at credit risk considering the macroeconomic and geopolitical trends likely to shape the financial services industry over the next six months. First, we focus on critical considerations for loan servicers in the post-pandemic era. Then, we discuss risk management practices for non-financial organizations that extend trade credit and institutions that…
  • Whitepaper

    November 21, 2022
    We are in unusual economic times. While making predictions may be a fool’s errand, the aggressive posturing among central banks to fight runaway inflation implies that we will soon be — if not already are — in the late stage of the economic cycle. However, considering the past several months of mixed economic data, the outcome of the downturn and the developments that drive it are likely to look…
  • Podcast

    September 20, 2022
    Christine Halvorsen, Leiterin der Abteilung Risk & Compliance bei Protiviti USA, spricht mit Lynn Haaland, Chief Compliance, Ethics & Privacy Officer bei Zoom Video Communications, über Risk und Compliance angesichts der Geschwindigkeit der modernen Geschäftswelt.
  • Whitepaper

    December 11, 2022
    Governments around the globe have engaged increasingly in offensive economic-sanction tactics in response to geopolitical conflicts, social injustice and violations of basic human rights. For fear of not being able to exit positions, leery market participants and investors have been swift to react. The economic ramifications of sanctions extend beyond the borders of the sovereign nations upon…
  • Video

    September 7, 2020
    A line-up of eminent panelists in operational resilience discussed how organisations have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and what it means for their operational resilience planning going forward, including the potential impact on critical third party vendors.
  • Podcast

    July 21, 2022
    Jackie Sanz of Protiviti talks with Amy Aubin, a CCO of two firms in Canada, about compliance and risk challenges faced by compliance professionals of smaller firms in the asset management industry, where innovation and access to compliance networks are of importance in the management of risk.Amy Aubin is the Chief Compliance Officer of Waypoint Investment Partners Inc., an independent wealth…
  • Infographic

    July 4, 2022
    The effects of the pandemic have resulted in a major shift in consumer preferences and behaviors that have upended businesses and services, unlike anything in the past. Today, consumer goods and retail companies are continuing to feel the weight of these challenges. According to Protiviti's global 2022 Top Risks Survey, data, supply chain and customer experience are top of mind for consumer…
  • Infographic

    July 15, 2022
    The global travel and tourism market has been on a bumpy recovery after losing roughly 62 million jobs in 2020, as companies adjust to disruptive government policies, changing consumer behavior and an ever-shifting demand for core products and services. In a survey conducted during a recent webinar, participants from the hospitality and airline industry shared their perspectives on their…
  • Survey

    March 27, 2023
    Beginning in 2020, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and several states provided temporary relief from the operational challenges of conducting on-site branch inspections during the pandemic, allowing firms to utilise technology to fulfill their inspection obligations remotely. Now, FINRA has proposed a voluntary, three-year remote…