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  • Infographic

    July 4, 2022
    The effects of the pandemic have resulted in a major shift in consumer preferences and behaviors that have upended businesses and services, unlike anything in the past. Today, consumer goods and retail companies are continuing to feel the weight of these challenges. According to Protiviti's global 2022 Top Risks Survey, data, supply chain and customer experience are top of mind for consumer…
  • Infographic

    July 15, 2022
    The global travel and tourism market has been on a bumpy recovery after losing roughly 62 million jobs in 2020, as companies adjust to disruptive government policies, changing consumer behavior and an ever-shifting demand for core products and services. In a survey conducted during a recent webinar, participants from the hospitality and airline industry shared their perspectives on their…
  • Podcast

    September 20, 2022
    Christine Halvorsen, Leiterin der Abteilung Risk & Compliance bei Protiviti USA, spricht mit Lynn Haaland, Chief Compliance, Ethics & Privacy Officer bei Zoom Video Communications, über Risk und Compliance angesichts der Geschwindigkeit der modernen Geschäftswelt.
  • Survey

    February 14, 2023
    Responses to Selected Questions Received During Webinar – January 11, 2023 We received numerous questions during our January webinar on Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2023 & 2032. While we responded to some during the webinar, we were unable to cover all of them. We have selected a number of the unanswered questions that we believe to be of general interest and have included…
  • Whitepaper

    February 20, 2023
    Ein Jahr Ukraine-Krieg. Auf die weltweite Verurteilung der Invasion folgte eine noch nie dagewesene Anzahl an Sanktionen gegen Russland. Erzielten die Sanktionen Wirkung und wie geht es weiter? Erfahren Sie mehr in unserem Whitepaper.
  • Infographic

    February 24, 2023
    Technologie-, Medien- und Telekommunikationsunternehmen (TMT) stellen sich auf mehr wirtschaftlichen Gegenwind im Jahr 2023 ein. Sie konzentrieren sich besonders auf die Herausforderungen im Personalmanagement, so die Ergebnisse der jüngsten globalen Top-Risiko-Studie von Protiviti und NC State
  • Podcast

    May 24, 2021
    In this episode of our Transformation Series on Risky Women Radio, Protiviti talks with Diane Minunni Callan, Head of Compliance – Enterprise Corporate Office, Regulatory Change & Academy of TD Bank about their ongoing development and enhancement of compliance programmes and regulatory change management processes - from ESG to AI.